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2018 I-45 North, Conroe, TX 77301
Price: $150 for all 3 days

Join your friends at Sewing & Vacuum Warehouse’s first Spring Fling Retreat at the Conroe store! Enjoy 3 days of finishing pesky projects with friends, become the master of your machine, or test drive your choice of machine from our store inventory! Most importantly, this is 3 full days of sewing in a room full of people who share your passion for sewing and quilting!

Our educators will be with you at the Conroe store from 10:30am – 8:30pm. No need for a stay at a hotel or on an uncomfortable cottage bed – go home and sleep in the comfort of your own bed! Then come back and start all over again the next day!

Included with retreat pricing:

  • Your choice of a machine to test drive from our inventory
  • Free assistance from the leaders in the room
  • Lunch and snacks provided