HQ Pro-Stitcher Premium Basics & Beyond – Houston
Sunday, November 12, 2017 10:00am – 1:00pm
$45 Per Person
Join us as we dive into the Handi Quilter Pro-Stitcher and all the exciting features this machine has to offer. This class is open to all – novice, intermediate, and advanced. If you’ve ever been curious about the Pro-Stitcher or computerize quilting designs, this class is for you!
Topics include:
- In-depth tools and navigation
- Working with designs: download/import/save
- Setting, transforming and saving areas
- Creating a variety of edge to edge quilt layouts
- Drag and drop method for advancing quilts
- Cropping inside. Outside, and start/end
- Handling interruptions – all kinds
- Modifying designs: resize/rotate/skew to fit
- Working with multiple designs simultaneously
- Placing borders with corners
- Chunking borders
- Determining stitch order
Call (281) 469-5377 ex 1 to reserve your seat today!