Wednesday, April 26, 2023 10:00AM – 1:00PM
Instructor: Jeannie Grabowska
Price: $50 Per person
Come learn with our Handi Quilter instructors! Now is your chance to come and try all of the Handi Quilter models during this hands-on educational event. Join us this April at the Conroe store for these fun longarm quilting classes. It doesn’t matter if your a novice or experienced. If you’ve got an interest in longarm quilting, this class is for you! We can’t wait to see you there!
Does longarm quilting interest you? Would you like to learn more about it? This class removes the mystery of longarm quilting by explaining the machine or machine/frame elements and features, how to load a quilt, and vital facts about thread, needles, and tension. There is a Handi Quilter longarm machine and frame system for every quilter under any budget because they are designed by a quilter for quilters—just like you!
Register for all 4 classes and receive a $20 store credit at the time of the event!*
Register for all 4 classes before March 28, 2023 receive a $40 store credit!*
*Credit given at time of the event and must be used at time of the event